Sunday, February 2, 2014


Friends. I know it has been quite a while. Because I am still trying to find a way to express what has been going on in my head, I want to save my excuses and explanations for another post. I am working through some body image issues and some fashion related woes, but there's no need to worry! Suffice it to say, I am sorry for my absence, and I will be more diligent going forward. But for the time being, let me share with you some outfits from the past month. I will be doing posts on each of these outfits in the coming weeks, so if you see an item you like, you'll have the details soon enough.






Thanks for sticking with me, and I promise you'll be seeing more of me! 


  1. Glad you're still around! All these outfits are adorable. I can't wait to get the details on them!

  2. LOVE the denim shirt/striped skirt combo! Looks so crisp! I think I might be going through the same slump. Hope that with warmer weather comes more blog-spiration...

  3. these are all great outfits! i love the first and last one best! glad to know you are back! :)


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