Thursday, July 25, 2013

When You Wish: August Edition

So, I have a confession to make. My July Shopping Diet was pitiful. I bought over ten separate clothing items throughout the month! None of them were full-price and several were from thrift stores, but the purpose of this diet was really meant to limit my frivolous spending and challenge my creativity when it comes to piecing together my outfits. I could pretend to feel guilty about my purchases, but you can't really turn down some heavily discounted oxford heels or a Talbot's quilted jacket from the thrift store for $9.

Because I was abysmal at my July Diet, I would like to try again for the month of August. That means: No clothes, shoes, or jewelry purchases from August 1 to August 31. In an effort to limit temptation I have chosen to restrict email offers from my favorite online retailers. Boo.

This diet has not stopped me from wishing, though. I know the difference between necessity and desire, and I try very hard to evaluate my purchases based on how much I actually need it, if it is good quality/long-lasting, and if it will enhance my wardrobe/make seasonal transitions. In that regard, I am level-headed and frugal. On the other hand, I happen to love beautiful and unique things. I can't always find a justification for those purchases, but hey, I deserve pretty things. To bolster some motivation around this diet, I have decided to feature some of my most recently coveted items. Not sure how making a tangible list of what I want will help me fashionably fast for the month. Oh well.

Starfish Gold Plated Hair Pin Set from NestPrettyThingsShop on Etsy

Grey Cape from LykkeWullf on Etsy

Fill in the Black Bag from Modcloth

Clinique Almost Lipstick  in Black Honey

Peace of Mind by Origins

Do you keep a running tab on things you ardently need (read: want)? 

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